National Kazoo Day – 2014

Yes, this is a real thing.

I know, I was surprised, too. But I looked it up and yes, National Kazoo Day is legit. Well, in the US. But we like our neighbours to the south so our family came up with this tribute to celebrate all that is the kazoo.

And now we present to you, The Moyer Special: Kazoo Day.


There are some other very talented kazoo players you can see: Amanda and the man who got the event going in Canada, Ricky.

Author: Jan Moyer

Embracing my inner child since 2005.

13 thoughts on “National Kazoo Day – 2014”

  1. Random thoughts:

    Wow, BH really does have a thick beard.
    Way to stick with it Jan!
    “How about we all put on pants for the video? No….a toque? No….OK.”
    The toboggan is a nice touch.
    Did your kids know that if they try really really hard, they can play the kazoo with their nose? Try it. And then try harder.

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